Friday, May 4, 2007

Today we have listened podcast about Virginia's shooting. It was interesting task and i like it. But is was quite difficult to understand all things that was said in podcast because in classroom there were a lot of as and we all listened the same podcast. It was too loudly and i understood what was said in podcast only after listening second time and reading the text.
I think Virginia shooting was horrible event and i am very glad that in Lithuania there wasn't such incidents. It is sad that so many innocent students die because of one person's problems and i can't understand why police didn't close the university after morning shooting. However, now it is too late think about it because nobody will return those dead students. After such events i often think that people can be very unfair and rude. I hope i won't meet such people.

1 comment:

Raimuke said...

It wasn't interesting and too short. I think, there should be more interesting facts about virginia shooting. By Raimonda Sluckaite